Thursday, July 5, 2007

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!! It was nice to have my husband home in the middle of the week.

Staying at home can make some weeks seem very long. I am looking for some new fun ideas to do with the kids this summer. Keep in mind they are toddler and preschool age. The heat here can be brutal so there are some days we cannot stay outside for very long. We bought a wonderful house last summer with one downfall....there are only 2 small new trees in the yard. No shade!!

I thought of painting with spray bottles. Put water and food coloring in the spray bottles and let them go on a white sheet. I also read that if you put a small amount of paint mixed with water that would work as well. I have never tried this so if you have and it was good/bad, let me know.

Shaving cream in our sand/water table. Maybe put a little food coloring in there as well.

Homemade playdough which my kids did not seem to thrilled about at a party we went to.

We washed the car one hot day.

Anyone have any wonderful ideas you would like to share??

1 comment:

Sandy said...

water, water, water!
when our kids were little they'd turn the sprinklers on under our trampoline, we'd head to water parks, swimming pools, or just plain ol' sprinkler fun!
i loved my kids when they were little, but they are even more enjoyable now!
Happy JULY!